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Horoscope Today: Astrological prediction for August 24, 2024

All zodiac signs have their own characteristics and traits which define someone’s personality. Wouldn’t it be helpful if you started your day by already knowing about what’s going to come your way? Read on to find out whether the odds will be in your favour today.
You will manage to complete all formalities to acquire a new property. Play safe by keeping your seniors informed of whatever decisions you take on the professional front. Take advice from others, but use your judgement for investing money. You may instigate a situation on the family front with your own interest in mind. An excellent opportunity to visit someone abroad may materialise. A good workout routine will keep you fit.
Love Focus: Meeting someone who has special regards for you is likely to bring back old romantic memories.
Lucky Number: 11
Lucky Colour: Pink
A good routine will find you full of verve and energy. Doing exceptionally well on the academic front will add to your prestige. Money as gift or inheritance may come to you. Marriage of someone eligible may be solemnised soon. Undertaking a city tour, just to see some new places of interest will be fun. This seems to be an excellent day for you. A break you had been awaiting on the professional front will finally come within your grasp.
Love Focus: Promises made with lover on the romantic front are likely to be kept.
Lucky Number: 7
Lucky Colour: Green
Joining health or yoga classes will be a step in the right direction. You may be rushed into completing an assignment on the academic front. This is a good time to buy property or go in for renovation. It will be important to gather all the facts before giving a decision on the professional front. You may have to do the bidding of a family elder, so do so with a smile! Be careful, especially in buying a major household item.
Love Focus: Spending time with lover is likely to prove most fulfilling.
Lucky Number: 4
Lucky Colour: Blue
Previous investments may start giving handsome returns now. Some of you may be preparing for a new career. A lot of work is likely to be accomplished on the professional front today. Driving out of town for an official trip is possible for some. Chances of acquiring a new property brighten. Someone may seek your help on the domestic front, so be available. Health will not pose any problems.
Love Focus: Spending time with beloved and exchanging sweet nothings will prove most rewarding.
Lucky Number: 6
Lucky Colour: Peach
You will succeed in adding to your already healthy bank balance. This is not the day to tackle property issues. Health remains good. Total commitment and hard work will be your key to reach your professional goals. A project may keep some busy on the academic front. Achievement of a family youngster will become a matter of pride for all.
Love Focus: Your romantic overtures are likely to get reciprocated, so expect the love life to blossom!
Lucky Number: 18
Lucky Colour: Brown
A selective diet and adequate rest finds you in the pink of health. Good financial management is likely to keep you in a happy state on the monetary front. You are set to get your dues for something you have accomplished on the social front. Your participation in a family function will be much appreciated and praised. You are likely to bounce back strongly after a few setbacks on the professional front. A change of scene will be most rejuvenating and refreshing, so plan on a short vacation.
Love Focus: Those in a long-term relationship may decide to tie the knot.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Peach
Health remains satisfactory and keeps you full of energy today. Previous investments may start giving good returns. Socially, you may find yourself much in demand. Planning an exciting trip with family cannot be ruled out for some. Those looking for suitable accommodation are likely to get lucky. A task entrusted to you on the professional front will be concluded satisfactorily.
Love Focus: Your love interest will help you in unwinding yourself and making your life more fulfilling.
Lucky Number: 1
Lucky Colour: Light Red
Financially, you are likely to reap the benefits of some wise investments in the past. It will be a good idea to be with health-conscious people to come back in shape. Listen to others for a change on the domestic front! Your efficiency at work is likely to come up for praise. A positive outlook will help retailers in dealing with minor setbacks. Those thinking of buying property can find some good bargains. Travelling together to someplace enjoyable is foreseen.
Love Focus: Your efforts on the romantic front are likely to prove successful.
Lucky Number: 17
Lucky Colour: Green
Concern for fitness can make you switch to a healthy lifestyle. You can expect VIP treatment on the social front, as your presence is much appreciated by all. An event in your life may reaffirm your faith in religious beliefs. Financial front promises to brighten up, as earning enhances. You are likely to give a good account of yourself at work. Homemakers may look for a break. A short vacation is on the cards for some.
Love Focus: You will find the opportunity to express your romantic feelings for your mate and enhance togetherness.
Lucky Number:4
Lucky Colour: Brown
You may take up a fitness regimen as a hobby and benefit immensely. You are likely to give a good account of yourself on the academic front. Financially, you may find yourself steadily on the upswing. You will find things progressing well on the professional front. Getting praised by superiors for your performance is possible today. Peace and serenity is assured on the home front. Those travelling for a change of scene are likely to enjoy their heart out.
Love Focus: Spending time with lover looks possible.
Lucky Number: 9
Lucky Colour: Saffron
Things that were looking bleak sometime back may begin to appear promising now on the academic front. You are likely to prove an asset to the organisation you are working for. Ego clash with spouse is to be guarded against, if you want to preserve domestic harmony. Those new to driving will do well to avoid congested areas. Regular routine promises to keep you fit and energetic. Your financial situation is set to improve.
Love Focus: Love life will prove most satisfying as lover showers love and affection.
Lucky Number:7
Lucky Colour: Pink
Your efforts on the fitness front will be richly rewarded. Your professional commitment and loyalty towards higher ups is likely to give a fillip to your career. Success is foretold in whatever you undertake on the academic front. You can become the life of the party on the social front. You can become part of an exciting trip to someplace exotic. Financially, you will manage to save adequately just by cutting corners.
Love Focus: Spending quality time with lover is indicated.
Lucky Number: 3
Lucky Colour: Maroon
